Al Dur Archaeological Site
Rediscover ancient wonders at Al Dur, UAE's archaeological treasure
Al Dur Archaeological Site
Rediscover ancient wonders at Al Dur, UAE's archaeological treasure
Al Dur Archaeological Site
Rediscover ancient wonders at Al Dur, UAE's archaeological treasure

Al Dur Archaeological Site

WELCOME TO Al Dur Archaeological Site

Destination Overview

Built in

around 2600 to 2000 BCE

Annual Visitors

100000 +

Located in

Umm Al Quwain

Famous for

Trade, Pottery, History


Attractions in Al Dur Archaeological Site

Don't miss these!

Excavation Sites of Al Dur

Explore the ongoing archaeological excavations and witness the uncovering of ancient artifacts, pottery, and structures, providing valuable insights into the historical significance of the site.

Burial Mounds in Al Dur

Discover ancient burial mounds that serve as a testament to the rich cultural practices and rituals of the people who once inhabited the area. These mounds offer a glimpse into their beliefs and burial traditions.

Trade Artifacts in Al Dur

Marvel at the collection of trade artifacts found at Al Dur, including imported pottery, beads, and other objects. These artifacts indicate the extent of maritime trade connections that existed in the region during ancient times.


Unveiling Hidden Gems

The Al Dur Archaeological Site, located in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), is a captivating testament to the region's rich history. This archaeological treasure showcases the remains of an ancient settlement dating back to the Umm Al Nar period, approximately between 2600 and 2000 BCE.

Exploring Al Dur, visitors are immersed in a journey through time. Excavation sites provide a glimpse into ongoing archaeological efforts, where artifacts, pottery, and structures are gradually unveiled, shedding light on the site's historical significance. The burial mounds, scattered throughout the area, offer a profound insight into the burial customs and rituals of the past, painting a vivid picture of cultural practices.

Trade artifacts found at Al Dur reveal the extent of maritime connections during ancient times. Imported pottery, beads, and other objects hint at a flourishing trade network that spanned across the region.

Walking among the settlement ruins, visitors can envision the layout of houses, courtyards, and hearths, gaining an understanding of how the inhabitants lived, worked, and interacted. The defensive walls encircling the settlement speak of strategic planning and the need for protection against potential threats, providing a glimpse into the challenges faced by the community.

To enhance the visitor experience, interactive exhibits showcase the history, culture, and significant archaeological findings of Al Dur. Through multimedia presentations and informative displays, guests can immerse themselves in the captivating narrative of the site's past.

Al Dur Archaeological Site stands as a captivating reminder of the UAE's ancient heritage, offering a fascinating glimpse into the lives of those who once inhabited this remarkable place.


Embarking on an Unforgettable Adventure

Embarking on a journey to explore the Al Dur Archaeological Site in the UAE promises an unforgettable adventure into the region's captivating past. As you step foot on this historical ground, prepare to immerse yourself in the remnants of an ancient settlement that dates back to the Umm Al Nar period, spanning from approximately 2600 to 2000 BCE.

The site invites you to delve into ongoing archaeological excavations, where archaeologists uncover ancient artifacts, pottery, and structures, piece by piece, unraveling the mysteries of the past. Witness the meticulous process of discovery and gain a deeper understanding of the historical significance of Al Dur.

Roaming the grounds, you'll encounter intriguing burial mounds that speak volumes about the cultural practices and rituals of the people who once inhabited the area. These silent witnesses offer a profound connection to the past and insight into their beliefs and burial traditions.

Trade artifacts found at Al Dur provide evidence of the extensive maritime connections that thrived in ancient times. Marvel at imported pottery, delicate beads, and other objects that bear witness to a bustling trade network that spanned the region.

Explorers can traverse the remnants of ancient settlements, where remnants of houses, courtyards, and hearths offer a tangible glimpse into the daily lives, activities, and interactions of the past inhabitants. Imagine the stories these ruins hold and let your imagination transport you to bygone eras.

Al Dur's defensive walls, encircling the settlement, stand as guardians of its history. Trace the footsteps of those who strategized and built these fortifications, gaining insight into the challenges and threats faced by the community.

Enriching your journey, interactive exhibits provide a deeper understanding of the site's history, culture, and significant archaeological findings. Engage with multimedia presentations, informative displays, and captivating narratives that breathe life into the past, allowing you to connect with the ancient heritage of Al Dur.

Prepare to be awed as you explore Al Dur Archaeological Site, where history comes alive, and the stories of the past are waiting to be discovered.

Historical Significance of Al Dur

Settlement Ruins Of Al Dur

Wander through the remains of ancient settlements, observing the layout of houses, hearths, and courtyards. Gain a sense of how people lived, worked, and interacted in this historical community.

Defensive Walls in Al Dur

Encounter the defensive walls that encircled the settlement, providing protection against potential threats. These walls offer insights into the strategic planning and defensive measures employed by the inhabitants of Al Dur.

Interactive Exhibits in Al Dur

Engage with interactive exhibits that provide a comprehensive understanding of the site's history, showcasing the daily life, culture, and significant archaeological findings through multimedia presentations and informative displays. Immerse yourself in the fascinating narrative of Al Dur's past.
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